Terms and conditions

Hubbub Foundation UK has created and is managing the Neat Streets grant fund to support high quality projects that will tackle litter and improve recycling outside the home. The fund has been made possible through funding from McDonald’s.

Organisations will be selected from the pool of applicants and will be offered funding for their project for a period of one year. The successful grant recipients (“Grantees”) will be required to report back on the impact of their project so the impact of the fund can be evaluated. 

 Submission of an application for the Fund constitutes each Applicant’s full and unconditional agreement to these Terms & Conditions and to the Organisers’ decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Fund.

Receiving funding is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth in these Terms & Conditions and entering into further agreements, which shall be provided to the Grantees once selected from the pool of applicants.

Terms and Conditions


“Organisers” means:

Hubbub Foundation UK
Somerset House

“Fund Panel” means: The team of individuals appointed to judge applicants’ applications and select the Grantees.


·       Applications Open: July 11th 2024

·       Applications Close: 20th September 2024

·       Grant fund distributed: October 2024

·       Further dates for subsequent rounds will be announced in due course


 The grant is to support campaigns in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The grant is open to any organisation that can prove they are an officially constituted body, registered in the UK.  We anticipate that the majority of applications will be from local authorities, shopping centres, waste and recycling companies, major property owners and transport hubs.

Applicants must prove they are an officially constituted body in the UK by providing their UK company registration number. 

Organisations with a turnover of less than £100,000 must submit either their audited accounts or their Management Accounts for the previous twelve months.

The grant level fund per project is £10,000. Applicants must commit £5,000 of their own funding. This does not need to be transferred to Hubbub. It should be evidenced in the campaign budget. Applicants will agree these terms in the grant fund agreement, and provide proof of expenditure during the grant.

The funding will be provided as a grant so is inclusive of VAT.  The Organisers reserve the right to offer grants of a lower or higher value depending on the merit of the Applicant and funds available.   

Applicants will be expected to report on how the grant expenditure has delivered on the ambition to introduce or improve recycling ‘out-of-home’. Funding must support a specific and discrete project, be additional to existing expenditure plans and not cover core operational costs.

Applications from a collaboration of organisations or partnerships are welcomed. The lead organisation, which shall be the “Applicant”, must have a UK company registration number. 

Each Applicant shall appoint one individual (the “representative”) to represent it and act on its behalf, including registering and entering an application, of said organisation. The representative must be duly authorised to submit on behalf of the organisation. The representative warrants, represents and undertakes that:

he/she is duly authorised to act on behalf of the organisation; and

he/she has read these Terms & Conditions and that any partner organisation has read them and agreed to abide by them.



Applicants may submit an application between July 11th 2024 and September 20th 2024.

Applications must be submitted through the website www.neatstreets.org.uk  and by submitting the required supporting materials to the email address intheloop@hubbub.org.uk and completing the online application form.

Any application submitted outside of the application period will not be considered for this grant round.


Applicants for the Fund must demonstrate a robust project plan to target litter reduction (and, improve recycling, if relevant)

Applications must be completed in English.

An Applicant may not enter more than one application. 

An application may be rejected at the sole discretion of the Organisers. This will include, but is not limited to, if the application, either in part or in its entirety, is deemed to be obscene, defamatory, likely to incite violence or illegal activity, in violation of any third-party’s rights, or is otherwise deemed to be inappropriate.

Applications must not violate the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.

By submitting an application, the Applicant warrants, represents and undertakes that any use of the application by the Organisers (or any of their respective partners, subsidiaries and affiliates) as authorised by these Terms & Conditions, shall not infringe upon, misappropriate or otherwise violate any intellectual property right or proprietary right including, without limitation, any registered or unregistered trade mark, copyright, design rights or patent, nor any privacy rights, moral rights nor any other rights of any person or entity.


From the pool of applications received, the Organisers will shortlist a number of applicants who may be asked to supply further information either by phone or at a meeting.  This additional information will be used to create a short list of applications that will be assessed by the Fund Panel. The Fund Panel will choose the successful Applicants.

Successful applicants will be offered a maximum £10,000 to support their project.

Should a successful Applicant wish to accept the Fund offer, they will be required to enter into further documentation, which will include Offer Terms & Conditions. For the avoidance of doubt, no Grantee shall be eligible to receive Fund monies until they have signed their Offer Letter with the Organisers.

An Applicant will be deemed ineligible if:

·       they refuse to provide further requested information; and/or

·       they are uncontactable for a period of more than 7 days during the application process

The Organisers reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any Applicant. This includes if they find the Applicant to be tampering with the application process or to be acting in violation of these Terms & Conditions, or to be acting in a manner that is in violation of any applicable law or regulation.


The Fund will support projects for a period of 6 months. 

1 months from the start of the fund allocation, 3 months and at the conclusion of the Fund period , Grantees will be required to report back to the Organisers. Details of the timings and requirements for the reporting will be provided to Grantees as part of the Offer Letter.

80% of the agreed funding will be paid out to Grantees on receipt of the signed Offer Letter. A further 10% will be paid on project launch, and the final 10% will be paid on receipt of the final year-end report.

The grant money must only be spent in accordance with the guidelines set out in the Offer Terms & Conditions.

At the conclusion of the Fund, Grantees will be required to openly share learnings, outputs and results of the funded activities. 


All applicants will be subject to further due diligence including audited proof of status, company registration number and constitution.



Each Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the relationship between themselves and the Organisers is not a confidential, fiduciary, or other special relationship, and that the Applicant’s decision to provide its application to the Organisers for the purposes of this Fund does not place the Organisers (or their respective agents) in a position that is any different from the position held by the members of the general public with regard to elements of the application, except as specifically provided in these Terms & Conditions.

By submitting an application, each Applicant (including all partners and participating members of an organisation) agree(s) to:

·       Comply with and be bound by these Terms & Conditions and the decisions of the Organisers, which are binding and final in all matters relating to this Fund; and

·       Indemnify, defend and hold harmless us, the Administrator (and their respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies) and any other organisations responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the Fund, and all of their respective past and present officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liabilities (including legal fees) resulting from any breach of these Terms & Conditions by the Applicant.



Subject to the remainder of this paragraph, the liability of the Organisers under these Terms & Conditions is strictly limited to £1,000.

Subject to the below, the Organisers shall have no liability in connection with:

·       Any incorrect or inaccurate information;

·       Technical failures of any kind including, but not limited to, malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines, internet connectivity or electronic transmission errors, or network hardware or software or failure of the Fund website;

·       Unauthorised human intervention in any part of the application process or the Fund; and

·       Technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Fund or the processing of applications.

·       If for any reason an application is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, the Applicant’s sole remedy is to request the opportunity to resubmit its application. Such request will be determined at the sole discretion of the Organisers if the Fund application period is still open.

·       Nothing in these Terms & Conditions shall exclude or limit any party’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, for fraudulent misrepresentation and/or for any other loss or damage the exclusion or limitation of which is prohibited by English law.



If the Applicant is successful, they agree to acknowledge that the project has been supported by funding from Hubbub and McDonald’s in media releases, promotional articles, impact reports and at relevant events. 

If the Applicant is successful, they agree to be named in media materials, provide quotes and case studies where appropriate and that the Organiser can use imagery from their projects in PR and social media activities.

The Organiser will make available campaign artwork, illustrations, bin colours, social media templates and promotional materials.  The Organiser expects that the Applicant will base their campaign on these assets and use these materials in order to provide consistency of messaging and design across the UK.  There will be some flexibility allowing Applicants to tailor these materials to meet local needs and the Organiser will approve design changes and provide support to help this process.



The Organisers reserve the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Fund, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failure or any other unanticipated factor or factor beyond the Organisers’ control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Fund, as determined by the Organisers in their sole discretion.

The Organisers’ failure to enforce any provision of these Terms & Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. The Organisers are not responsible for incomplete, late, misdirected, damaged, lost, illegible or incomprehensible applications, or for address or email address changes of the Applicant. Proof of sending or submitting an application will not be deemed proof of receipt by the Organisers.

In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between any provisions of these Terms & Conditions and disclosures or other statements contained in any Fund materials, including, but not limited to, the Fund application form, Fund website, advertising (including, but not limited to, television, print, radio or online ads), these Terms & Conditions shall prevail.

The Organisers reserve the right, without liability, to amend these Terms & Conditions at any time in their sole discretion. In such event, the Organisers will post the amended Terms & Conditions on the Fund website. Any amendment will become effective at the time the Organisers post the amended Terms & Conditions.

Should any provision of these Terms & Conditions be, or become, illegal or unenforceable, such illegality or unenforceability shall leave the remainder of these Terms & Conditions unaffected and valid. The illegal or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that comes closest and best reflects the Organisers’ intention in a legal and enforceable manner with respect to the invalid or unenforceable provision.


Any personal information collected from you when entering the Programme is subject to the privacy policy located here


These Terms & Conditions (including any associated non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by English law and the parties hereby accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in relation to any dispute arising under or in connection with these Terms & Conditions.

If you have any questions or wish to send us any notice regarding this programme, please email us at intheloop@hubbub.org.uk

This page was last updated on: 12th September 2024