Making it work

Whilst this section is most relevant for those looking to introduce recycling on-the-go from scratch, if you are improving or restarting your recycling on-the-go system you may find this section useful too.

As there’s a lot of variation between how operations run in different areas, below are some useful prompts to consider or discuss with your waste contractor or wider stakeholders and should help you determine where and what’s necessary to introduce a new recycling service:

  • What items can be collected, and what can be collected together?

  • What vehicles are available to collect the waste during weekdays and weekends?

  • How frequently will you need to empty the bins? And who will empty them? Remember, overflowing bins attract more litter and contaminate the recycling.

  • Is any hand-sorting possible to remove contaminants?

  • What is the threshold for contamination levels from your contractor?

  • Can the waste go straight to be processed, or does it need to be consolidated somewhere first?

It’s also a wise idea to phase your roll out. This could mean introducing the bins in a smaller area first before expanding out more widely.

#InTheLoop case study

Dublin #CircleCity

For Hubbub’s Dublin #CircleCity campaign the council initially focused on the key city centre streets of Grafton Street and Henry Street, before expanding to the immediate streets around it so they could increase the volume of material collected whilst still following the normal collection routes.

person recycling on the go dublin circle city plastic bottle can glass street

Telford and Wrekin #InTheLoop

For Telford and Wrekin #InTheLoop, the council focused initially on introducing the scheme in Telford Town Park where there was a yard on-site to support the trial, enable the recycling to have some sorting to minimise any potential contamination issues. Following this successful first phase, the campaign has since expanded to a number of high streets and other parks in the borough.

recycling on the go bin telford and wrekin in the loop street plastic bottle can glass