Neat Streets Litter Toolkit

Littering seems like a simple issue - just don't drop it, right?

 62% of people feel angry when they see litter and it comes with a whole host of problems, from spoiling neighbourhoods and nature to harming wildlife and polluting our waterways.

At Hubbub, we’ve spent the last 10 years testing and experimenting with what does and doesn’t work when it comes to tackling littering.

What’s in the toolkit?

 The Neat Streets toolkit is full of inspiration and learnings for others trying to do the same, and our free campaign resources make it even easier to replicate.

Check out:

  • Key Principles - for the top-level guidance that we follow when creating our litter campaigns

  • The problem - to get up to speed on the impact of litter and where it comes from

  • Litter Guide - for step by step guidance on how to bring a campaign to life.

  • Case Studies - Explore our library of litter case studies to get inspiration for your next campaign. Select by theme, or select ‘replicable’ to learn more about the campaigns featured as free resources.

  • Free campaigns and resources - everyone loves a freebie and we’ve put together six previous campaigns for you to replicate, plus grant funding to help you use the campaigns.

Free campaigns and funding

Download our tried and tested campaign materials and assets, ready to go! We wanted to make it as easy as possible for them to be replicated and taken into the world. We’ve created campaign packs for different scenarios:

  • Tidy Roadsides – targeted at drivers and roadside litter

  • Love Your Forest – targeted towards visitors to forests and other areas of natural beauty

  • Neat Streets – targeted at tourists to the beach

  • [Your city]’s Binning - Based on our Bristol’s Binning campaign run with Bristol Waste, targeted towards young adults and aimed at urban environments.

  • In The Loop – targeted at tackling recycling on-the-go in towns and cities.

Alongside this, we also have a presentation for schools, and a litter picking guide.

Check out the free resources here, and read up on the campaign litter campaign case studies here, or the dedicated In The Loop section of the site.


If you are a local authority we have grant funding available to support you to run a campaign in your area. This is made possible with funding by McDonald’s. 

We have five grants of £10,000 to give out over the next 12 months, and aim to allocate 1 -2 grants every 3 months to allow applicants time to prepare their bid.

Check out the funding page to learn more and apply